

The project division of KOS Ergonomics, Ireland’s leading providers of ergonomic equipment, seating, furniture and consultancy. We partner with specialists in their areas to ensure a holistic approach is taken to achieve a complete design that will be a success not only visually but also how it functions for employees. We would rather work with a team 10 experts than 100 generalists.

The most costly ergonomic mistakes are in the design phase, where too much focus can be placed on aesthetics and not enough focus on how the space will function for employees and guests. Our ergonomic consultants work closely with architects, designers, facilities management specialists, medical and health and safety professionals and ergonomists to ensure the correct balance of style and function is achieved.

We’ve been fixing the ergonomic design mistakes in blue chip companies for over 20 years. We focus on the needs of your project and advise at the design phase, so critical mistakes aren’t made. Our goal is to create safe, comfortable and productive workplaces. With the right environment companies see happier employees, less absenteeism and an overall better work atmosphere.  Our expert employees work systematically and listen carefully to your needs. At this point we analyse your needs and come back with ideas to inspire and challenge you to choose the best solution for your company and employees.


Download our latest KOS
Workspace Brochure Below 

KOS Workspace Brochure

” Design must meet the functional requirements first & foremost, often there is a bit of debate around this with architects & designers. Our debate & synergy really is to get the best possible outcome for the client. Creating stylish, functional and safe workspaces.” – James Kennedy,  Project Lead, KOS Workspace.

What Makes Us Different?


Ergonomic Expertise

Nearly 30 years of providing proven, ergonomic workplace solutions


Qualified and Expert staff

Multi-disciplinary team with backgrounds in ergonomics, physiotherapy, nutrition and human performance.


We Shape The Market

First company to introduce sit-stand desks to Ireland in the 90’s. Also first to introduce monitor arms & many other ergonomic solutions.


Pioneers of active working

Understanding the bodies need for movement and postural change.

Scandinavian Design

Scandinavian Influence

Inspired by the work spaces, lifestyle and thought-leaders in ergonomics.

data driven ergonomics

Research Led & Data Driven

Evidence based solutions born from scientific research and methodologies.


Body Conscious Design

Creating workplaces designed around the needs of user to enhance well-being & productivity


Sustainable & Ethical Sourcing

We care about the future of the planet and the less fortunate who we share it with.

Project Lead Profile: James Kennedy, Senior Ergonomic Consultant

The KOS Workspace division is driven by James Kennedy. James’ main experience has been working with Ireland’s largest companies managing employees with specific musculoskeletal issues and advising on ergonomic design of complicated work environments and also has experience working on Six Sigma projects.

James studied occupational ergonomics, with his main area of expertise in ergonomics   in sedentary environments. James is a self professed ergonomics enthusiast “I saw from an early age the effect of poor ergonomics and working badly can have, as my Dad developed a serious spinal injury due to increased disc degeneration due to bad working habits and a bad work environment. He ran a business and was in an office all the time, so it came as a major shock to him, the effect his environment had. That’s how the idea of KOS Ergonomics came about.”

KOS Workspace have a team of ergonomic consultants that advise on what furniture and layout etc. is most appropriate for the work environments. James says “When I work with a client on a project, first I need to get full understanding of how the space will be used, what tasks will be done in the space, what type of interactions are likely to take place, the range of staff in the space etc. It’s a detailed process but only when you understand the function of the space, can you advise on what is needed“.

Our Journey

KOS Ergonomics Journey

Ergonomic Design Stylish Solutions

We focus on future trends in the office environment, not focusing only on what is being done currently.We create stylish work environments but not at the cost of functional, flexible and employee focused spaces.

KOS Workspace: 3 Clare Street, Dublin 2, Tel: 01 6110 200 | Tipperary: Tobins Cross, Holycross, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Tel: 0504 43341